Club Cruceros de La Paz - Candidacy for Commodore
I am running for the office of Commodore of Club Cruceros.

I am doing so for the express purpose of wresting the club from the hands of the retired friends of Malcolm Neil Shroyer Schoen, a corrupt man who brought his corruption to Mexico and who has ensured that anyone who comes to La Paz with a dream of sailing gets screwed instead.

The people in control of Club Cruceros use any and all means to ensure the integrity of their corrupt and illegal presence here in La Paz.

I am tired of seeing this happen, and so while I have to be here in town dealing with people I hate universally, I might as well do something that no one else seems to have the balls to do, and that is to take on the "Gringo Mafia" myself and try to find anyone else who isn't so lazy and lacking in leadership in order to help me help them take the club away from a bunch of retired old criminals waiting to die in someone else's country.

I obviously have no love for those who prssently run the club, and would prefer to have willing board members to assist me. Please sign up and then contact me if you are interested. You will figure out how to contact me if you are truly motivated.

If you are not a member of the club, join now so we CAN take the club away from these criminals who use resources that are meant for sailors to find chocolate chips and diet fucking tonic water...

My introduction can be viewed here: