Please Read the US Constitution, in its original form with changes linked. 
Saturday, June 15, 2024, 10:25 AM
Posted by Administrator

Please sit down and read this document in its original form and follow the links so you can see how the document was changed. When doing so, do not simply believe that these amendments were actually legally added to the US Constitution. Look at the controversy surrounding these amendments and note that it is entirely possible for "Congress" to pass these amendments without the proper votes by simply printing news stories after the fact which legitimize the incorrect results so that "history" can show the amendments passed where they actually did not.

In other words, this version of the US Constitution can show you the process by which America was taken over by jews.

Now, if you do not believe jews COULD have taken over America, you are not an American, period! An American would question their government's legitimacy, not just believe what they were told.

So read the US Constitution and find out how wrong your beliefs really are and maybe become an American.
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