Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 06:11 AM
Everyone knows the government here is corrupt, just as they know the media is in on it. Not only that, but I make public my evidence which not only shows I am innocent, buy that it is they who are the criminals. No one seems to want to see my evidence, amd I KNOW no one wants to ask me what happened.So, what do you think my opinion is of those who believe what they hear about me? What about believing so even in the face of contradictory evidence?
Obviously I think you are fucking idiots.
What you fail to realize is that you ARE idiots, and that I know it. It's not just my opinion, it happens to be a fact.
Hate me all you like, but do so in the conscious knowledge that its because I know what you really are. Hate me knowing that I know you are the one who should be hated.


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