An Alternative to American Strategy of Containment 
Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 06:19 AM
Posted by Administrator

First, it must be stated that “containment” of China, the prevention of China from acquiring global dominance which exceeds passive status, is something I believe is necessary, but only in the event of it's occurrence, not because it is the intent of the Communist Party of China to use it's position of global economic dominance to apply it's political will to the rest of the world. I believe that in achieving global economic dominance, that there is every potential for this economic dominance to inadvertently lead to social and subsequent political dominance.

It is important to understand that this dominance can only be achieved by dependence of other nations, cultures, economies on China which exceed mere economic dependence. This can be demonstrated by present circumstances, wherein much of the world is dependent upon the United States of America economically, but also heavily influenced by American culture and even political will.

As demonstrated by resistance to American hegemony in present times, which manifests as self-reliance and cooperation on a multilateral basis; actions which are solely internal or cooperative and all defensive, rather than offensive in nature, are all that are required to escape these unilateral actions on the part of America. Therefore, only policies and actions which are internal can be effective in preventing China, or indeed any other nation, from achieving the same dominance America has achieved. Further, internal development, as China demonstrates, is also the only way to achieve dominance.

It should be clear that American policies which take action against or otherwise utilize resources to affect other nations, are wasteful and illogical and only serve to weaken American dominance. The clear solution is for American foreign policy to reflect one of preserving American resources and directing them inward towards development. By directing all resources internally, America can utilize it's prior dominance as a basis upon which to develop itself and achieve some natural dominance, but it is dominance that due to this policy of directing resources internally, maintains only economic dominance based only on the relative level of internal development and thus makes no cultural or political threats. This, of course, is an ideal way to maintain peace.

American political infrastructure requires examination and likely alteration in order to work towards policies which reflect more healthy internal investment and direction of resources. Lobbying, for example, and the relationship with politicians who maintain obvious economic, social, and political conflicts of interests in their investments and relationships with lobbyists; is extremely detrimental to any prospect of inflection on the part of American foreign policy.

It is also clear that the policies of the present American administration under the presidency of Donald Trump are the polar opposite of what they should be in order to achieve the stated goals; however uneloquently articulated or conceived they may be.

In my opinion, the reason Donald Trump refuses to release is tax returns is because they will demonstrate that his policies which are his particular way of doing business, have proven to fail before because I believe that his tax returns will demonstrate that Donald Trump destroyed his own financial empire through policies which used his empire's resources to attack others, rather than investing and directly them internally.

The efficacy of this policy of directing resources internally can easily be demonstrated by the progress of nations which have succeeded in the face of US Sanctions. While Iran, Russia, and especially China are excellent examples of this policy working in contrast to the policies of America; a far greater example is Cuba; which has achieved such an astonishing level of self-sufficiency and also economic, social, and political development, especially relative to it's neighbors who were not similarly treated by American foreign policy. Cuba's success proves self-sufficiency and cooperation are far better policies than those employed by America and especially by the Trump administration.

I also believe that Donald Trump represents America's perspective quite well, and that the policies of the Trump administration therefore merely reflect the will of the people. Americans, in my own personal experiences, are resistant to the idea that they might be wrong or even need improvement. More than anything, and most certainly a significant influence at least, Americans are dependent, highly so, and in many ways. So if the people enjoy privileges that come from dependence, it seems unlikely to me that the will of the nation can be changed so easily to one that reflects the need for self-sufficiency.

Leadership is the only possible way to influence so many people to change their perspective so drastically. And certainly having a perceived and defacto leader as Americans have in Trump whose influence is the polar opposite of what is needed isn't going to help. Democrats nor Republicans can provide candidates for the presidency who can lead America to self-sufficiency. So only if a candidate comes along who can successfully lead Americans toward more self-sufficient policies comes along and who has a chance at the Whitehouse, does there seem to be hope for America maintaining economic dominance.

I think the real question here is whether or not America can ever wake up to the reality that using it's resources outside of itself will happen in time to prevent complete loss of all dominance, and what the reaction will be in trying to prevent it from happening. That's an answer I'd rather hear about than know firsthand.
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